El waha company
Elwaha products
We offer our customers high-quality products that include the supply of pumps of various diameters, in addition to supplies such as electrical operation panels, submarine cables, and depth pipes.
Electrical works
طلمبات غاطسة مقاومة للصدأ
Electrical operation panels

Zahr motors from el waha well and pump services company are characterized by strength and durability, which makes them ideal for heavy pumping tasks, with reliable performance and high efficiency.

السوفت ستارت هي تقنية مصممة للتحكم في التسارع والتباطؤ للمحركات، حيث تعمل على تشغيلها بحمل طاقة منخفض، مما يساعد على حماية المحركات من الضغوط الكهربائية…

WPS submersible pumps from Elwaha company for Wells and pumps services offer excellent performance and high efficiency in pumping water from depths efficiently and continuously.

Centrifugal pumps from Oasis company for Wells and pumps services offer high pumping power and efficiency in transporting water through centrifugal systems with high efficiency.

ستار دلتا تُقلل من الجهد وعزم الدوران في البداية، مما يحمي المحركات من التلف ويزيد من كفاءتها التشغيلية.

The inverter from Elwaha well and pump services company ensures efficient energy conversion, enhancing energy efficiency and providing reliable performance for various electrical applications.

The stabilizers from Elwaha well and pump services company provide effective protection of electrical equipment from voltage fluctuations, to ensure stability and reliable performance.

In standard machining, a skilled machinist operates equipment, removing or developing steel.